Defining your why

Quite often, we set our sights on the ideal life we could have. We plan, organise ourselves and go ahead, ready to put in the work.

For anything we want, we have to work. To continue to motivate yourself can be painful, particularly if what we are trying to accomplish is hard.

The one thing that could keep you going? Understanding the underlying reasons as to why you’re working towards your ideal life.

Ask yourself what it is you want to do

What do you want to do? If you could get up tomorrow and have the perfect day, what would it be?
We are not realistic with ourselves. A big house, a sports car, a high-paying job. All of that comes with a price, and not only that. It doesn’t define us.

Imagine that you have everything you need to be “happy.” You still need something to do. What activities would your day consist of, if you lived your perfect life? Ask yourself what it is you don’t want to do

Generating a good idea of where it is you don’t want to be in a life can be huge for your motivational levels.
Not only do you need a clear picture of what you want. You need a clear picture of what you don’t want.
If you left yourself to your own devices and didn’t apply any discipline in your life, where would you be in five to ten years?

How would it feel that you’ve wasted all that time, all that potential?

How can you stop yourself from having to look back at your life full of regret? How do you create a life that makes your family proud?

Set a plan in motion to take action every day to make your life as good as it can be, whilst adopting the responsibility and meaning that comes with that life.

What is it you want? Are you clear about what you want?
Why do you want it? Is it for the right reasons?
How will you get it? Is it realistic?

Defining your why will be one of the most important things in your professional and personal lives. It keeps you going in the times of hardship. It keeps you motivated when you don’t want to get out of bed on a morning. It keeps you focused when you feel overwhelmed. These things inevitably to us all. It’s about how we face it and deal with the consequences that really matters. It’s your why that will keep you getting back up, when you inevitably hit the floor as you’re knocked down by the barriers and obstacles life can bring.

Call Stuart for a free 30 minute telephone consultation – 07825 599340

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